What is Cupping

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What is cupping therapy?
Cupping is a method of relieving local congestion by applying a partial vacuum that
is created in a cup(s), either by heat or by suction.

Cupping has been used for thousands of years. Although it is often associated with Traditional Chinese Medicine, the entire world once knew of this therapy and used it.

The Ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Chinese used cupping therapy.

The oldest recorded medical textbook, Ebers Papyrus, written in approximately 1550 BCE in Egypt, mentions cupping (Curtis, 2005).

In the UK, the practice of cupping therapy also dates back a long time in one of their leading medical journals, The Lancet. It was named after this practice as it refers to the surgical instrument that can scrape the skin to perform a style of cupping.

Conditions Which Can Benefit From Cupping

st george pain  Flu
st george pain  PMS
st george pain  Asthma
st george pain  Stress
st george pain  Hip Pain

st george pain  Muscle Pain
st george pain  Joint Pain
st george pain  Arthritis
st george pain  Headaches
st george pain  Neck Pain
st george pain  Back Pain
st george pain  Shoulder Pain
st george pain  Relaxation
st george pain  Muscle Tightness
st george pain  Common Colds

What Happens During A Treatment
During a cupping treatment, the practitioner will place a flammable substance (such as herbs or alcohol) inside a cup, and then ignite that substance.

When the fire goes out, the practitioner places the cup upside-down over certain qi pathways linked to the condition being treated.

The cup is usually left in place for five to ten minutes, during which time blood vessels expand and increase circulation.

Cupping is also thought to open up the skin's pores and promote detoxification.

Scroll down to the bottom of this page for video demonstrations on cupping.

Is cupping safe? Does it hurt?st george acupuncture and chiropractic
While cupping is considered relatively safe (especially air cupping, which does not include the risk of fire and heat), it can cause some swelling and bruising on the skin.

As the skin under a cup is drawn up, the blood vessels at the surface of the skin expand.

This may result in small, circular bruises on the areas where the cups were applied.

These bruises are usually painless, however, and disappear within a few days of treatment.

In addition, there are several instances where cupping should not be performed.

Patients with inflamed skin; cases of high fever or convulsions; and patients who bleed easily, are not suitable candidates for cupping. Pregnant women should not have cupping on their stomach or lower back.

If the cups are being moved, they should not cross bony areas, such as the ridges of the spine or the shoulder blades.